This module includes additional presentations, tools and other resources to improve the management of suspected UTIs in your nursing home.
The following presentations provide guidance and strategies about coaching change, quality assurance and performance improvement, sustainability of organizational change and sustainability planning.
Antibiotic Stewardship in Nursing Homes: How You Can Prevent Antibiotic Resistance Nursing home staff, residents, and families can reduce antibiotic resistance by prescribing or using antibiotics only when they are needed. The video provides information on when antibiotics are needed and not needed, and how inappropriate antibiotic use can harm patients.
Antibiotic Stewardship Policy Template To support compliance with CMS requirements and aid facilities in establishing an antibiotic stewardship program, the Infection Advisory Committee at AMDA-The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine, has developed an antibiotic stewardship policy template tailored to the LTC setting. The intent of this policy, which can be adapted by individual facilities, is to help LTC facilities implement an antibiotic stewardship policy that will meet or exceed CMS requirements.
Clinical MicroAntibio + grambiology in LTC - How Do I Decipher This? Presentation by Raymond P. Podzorski, PhD, D (ABBM), St Marys Hospital Laboratory and Wisconsin Region SSM Health, Madison, WI. The presentation includes review of microbiology laboratory reports, basic microbiology principles, antibiotic resistance, and preparation, use and raising provider awareness of antibiograms.
Developing an Antibiotic Stewardship Infrastructure in Nursing Homes: From Theory to Practice (Slides PDF) Presentation by Christopher Crnich, MD PhD, Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, Madison, WI. The presentation covers antibiotic stewardship regulatory requirements, assessing compliance, facility staff involvement in antibiotic stewardship and suggested resources.
Urine Test Tracking Spreadsheet This document may be used to track and review urine testing. Please refer to facility policies, procedures or protocols. If your facility is participating in the IMUNIFI study, please utilize the online data reporting tool instead.
UTI Toolkit Provider Notification Sample Letter It is important to engage providers in implementation and adoption of the WI UTI Toolkit. This link provides a sample provider letter that may be used for notification and encouragement of participation.
UTI Toolkit Provider Notification Sample Email It is important to engage providers in implementation and adoption of the WI UTI Toolkit. This link provides a sample provider email that may be used for notification and encouragement of participation.