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Email addresses not associated with a facility or employer will take longer to process.

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The Clinical Resource Center (CRC) is available to staff working in Wisconsin skilled nursing facilities (SNFs), Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WI DHS) staff whose job description includes work with Wisconsin nursing facilities and staff from WCCEAL Assisted Living Communities (ALCs).

I qualify for free access to CRC because I work...

Nursing Homes select all that apply

Assisted Living Communities select all that apply

I didn't find my Nursing Home/ALC in the list (please explain)

eQuality: WCCEAL

eQuality: WCCEAL is a password protected data reporting website; it is only available to staff members from WCCEAL ALCs. ALCs interested in joining WCCEAL must first be part of an approved quality improvement program through one of the sponsor associations. ALCs should contact their member Association for further information about joining WCCEAL.

I qualify for access to eQuality: WCCEAL because...

I am part of a WCCEAL sponsored QI Program
I work for a Wisconsin Managed Care Organization (MCO)
I work for Wisconsin Department of Health Services (WI DHS)

What is your role?

Assisted Living Communities (ALCs) select all that apply

I didn't find my ALC in the list (please explain)


The Adapting Guideline Implementation to Local Environments (AGILE) tool supports the implementation of interventions into different settings by letting you choose what barriers to implementation are relevant to your specific setting and by recommending strategies most likely to overcome these barriers.


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Your QID Registration Request Has Been Received

Welcome to Quality Improvement with Data (QID). Your registration to the QID website has been received and an email has been sent containing your auto-generated password.

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