"Excellence in Wisconsin Assisted Living
Through Internal Quality Improvement"

Consumer/Family Information

WCCEAL was developed to help improve the quality of care provided to residents living in assisted living communities (ALCs). The WCCEAL program accomplishes this through a process of continuous quality improvement for the ALC. Members of WCCEAL, with the support of their Assisted Living association sponsor, commit to administering a yearly resident satisfaction survey and reporting quarterly Quality Improvement variables to assist in both reviewing how they are doing and improving in places they could do better. When looking for an ALC that invests in quality improvement, consumers and family members can use the public WCCEAL Member List to see which ALCs are members of WCCEAL as well as which ones are Gold Members. All WCCEAL members listed on the public membership list are participating in WCCEAL's continuous quality improvement. Gold Members are taking additional steps beyond the requirements of WCCEAL to help improve and ensure quality of care for their residents.

Satisfaction Survey

Every year the residents currently living in WCCEAL ALCs are asked to fill out a satisfaction survey. This survey is used to provide the ALC with feedback and to help them see areas for improvement. This survey and its data once returned to WCCEAL are kept anonymous and only aggregate information is provided to the ALC and other members of the WCCEAL coalition. Surveys do not need to be returned to the ALC. If you want to return your survey directly and anonymously to WCCEAL, please either use the provided postage paid return envelope or return your survey directly to:

WCCEAL/eQuality Satisfaction Survey
WARF Building UW-Madison
610 Walnut Street
Madison, WI 53726-2397

Once surveys are received, all information will be entered anonymously into the WCCEAL system.

Further Concerns/Assistance

An important member of the WCCEAL coalition is the State of Wisconsin Board on Aging and Long-Term Care (BOALTC). The Board on Aging and Long Term Care employs long-term care ombudsmen, located throughout the state. Long-term care ombudsmen serve persons age 60 and older who live in WI-licensed and certified long-term care settings, responding to complaints about care and treatment, respect for rights of residents and providing education to long-term care providers and consumers.

Your voice is important in your assisted living community. If you have concerns you want addressed, the best place to start is discussing your concerns with a staff member whom you trust or the ALC manager/administrator, if you feel comfortable doing so.

If you have further concerns or questions you can also contact:

State of Wisconsin - Board on Aging & Long Term Care
1402 Pankratz Street, Suite 111
Madison, Wisconsin 53704

Ombudsman Program: 1-800-815-0015
Medigap Helpline: 1-800-242-1060
Email: BOALTC@Wisconsin.Gov
Website: http://longtermcare.wi.gov

Or contact the WCCEAL Helpdesk for further assistance:

Email: wcceal@qid.wisc.edu
Phone: 608-263-8575
Toll-Free: 1-888-300-8098